енитальный герпес
On modern representations, bacteria are not the direct reason of disease, they only provoke local inflammatory processes. On a leather{skin} and in hair follicles constantly are present such сапрофитные microorganisms, as липофильные mushrooms of sort Pytirosporum, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. The greatest role in development of an inflammation at угревой illnesses play Propionibacterium acnes - грамположительные motionless липофильные sticks which are facultative анаэробами. Corking of a mouth of a hair follicle and a congestion of skin bacon inside him{it} create preconditions for duplication of these microorganisms inside воронки a hair follicle. Constant duplication P. acnes in a follicle which is found out at a stage микрокомедонов, results in increase of activity of metabolic processes, consequence{investigation} of it is allocation медиаторов inflammations. For example, during ability to live P. acnes allocate липазы which split триглицериды skin bacon on the fat acids causing damage эпителия of a follicle. Damaging{injuring} action on эпителий possess and протеолитические the enzymes allocated P. acnes. Подробнее...
Гистоплазмоз it is caused диморфным barmy грибком Histoplasma capsulatum and in Holland it is sometimes observed at natives of Surinam and Indonesia. Гистоплазмоз also it can be observed at patients who travelled on the USA, mainly in states Mississipi and Ohio. The primary infection can proceed бессимптомно or be shown as a pneumonia. Just as at a tuberculosis, the infection got at young age, can become in more advanced age demonstrating owing to decrease{reduction} in immunity. Гистоплазмоз at patients with AIDS it is shown more often диссеминированной by an infection with a fever, the general{common} indisposition, гепатоспленомегалией, defeat of a leather{skin} and mucous and нодулярными легочными инфильтратами. The diagnosis put by results of crops of blood or биопсии the struck bodies. Sometimes the diagnosis can be quickly put by direct research аспирата a bone brain if about it is directed brings an attention to the question laboratory. Подробнее...