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In rare cases the itch can be connected with железодефицитной an anemia and stops after effective treatment. The itch also is described at 15-50 % of patients эритремией. Thus the itch usually considerably amplifies at change of temperature - patients frequently complain of an intensive itch after acceptance soul. The itch is also one of the most often skin displays лейкоза. Подробнее...
If during an aggravation the HELL preparations of a choice are антигистаминные preparations of 1-st generation in подострый it is better to appoint the period convenient in the application, not rendering sedative action антигистаминные preparations of 2-nd generation: лоратадин, эбастин, цетиризин, фенистил and others in usual therapeutic dozes. Quite often it is necessary to combine application of preparations of 1-st generation with preparations of 2-nd generation that provides sedative effect necessary by such patient and потенцирует force and duration антигистаминного actions. Подробнее...