заболивание герпес и его лечение
Preventive maintenance. Elimination of an opportunity of infection from patients with a candidiasis; the sanitary-engineering control, mechanization and automation of work and means of personal hygiene and preventive maintenance at the enterprises where professional candidiases are possible{probable}. Careful medical supervision over patients by which treatment by antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action is carried out{spent}; parallel purpose{assignment} of vitamins of group In, at an opportunity - periodic replacement of an antibiotic; at long treatment preventive purpose{assignment} of nystatin илилеворина. Подробнее...
As is known, in a basis the HELL lay иммунологические the mechanisms determining дисбаланс Th1-both Th2-cells and hyperproduction IgE. This circumstance proves necessity of carrying out of various kinds иммунокоррекции, the immune system directed on regulation. First of all it элиминация causal allergens which can be considered{examined} as the first stage иммуномодулирующей the therapy influencing change цитокинового of a structure with Th2 on Th1. To methods иммунокоррекции concern плазмаферез, аллергенспецифическая иммунотерапия, actually иммунокорригирующие preparations, and also иммунодепрессанты. Подробнее...