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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

энцефалопатия алкогольная лечение

But thus the organism of the alpha - alcoholic constantly is under loading of alcoholic drinks. Together with the same gradual infringements of mentality there are somatic frustration (too accrued gradually), and also quite often there is a certain sexual concern (decrease{reduction} in a potentiality firstly " on a sober head ", and then and in general). And in general, alas, the alpha - алкоголизм is a slow, constant imperceptible degradation of the person as a whole, in the best cases - огрубение her{it} with the years. Подробнее...

If your relative it is possible drinks, it{he} runs from your excessive trusteeship - at all from dictatorship, and that you hold it{him} in the status of the small child. It{he} also aspires to correspond{meet} to this status. Therefore if want to relieve it{him} of dependence - first of all give to it{him} to solve the problems independently. Let it{he} thinks, on what it is more favourable to it{him} to spend money - for a meal or on vodka? Eventually, willy-nilly it{he} should become strong. And accordingly, will drink to it{him} it is simply unprofitable! Подробнее...