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герпеса для беременных

One of the reasons significant пораженности the population can count mycosises insufficient awareness on sources and ways of distribution, clinical displays and measures of preventive maintenance of an infection, and also later the reference{manipulation} to the doctor that results in chronic current of diseases. Growth of desease by a candidiasis is connected to wide application of modern means of therapy, environmental contamination, increase of a radiating background and other factors weakening protective forces of an organism. On the data the CART, only about 5 % of all mycosises are primary diseases, in other cases it is the secondary processes developing on a background of the basic frustration various генеза. Подробнее...

At local application противогрибковых preparations as a cream or gel usually bandage or a plaster for improvement of penetration of a preparation (as a rule, insignificant) in a nail plate [19]. Bandages prevent patients and frequently increase pressure upon nails of fingers stop up to such degree, that it can negatively affect result of treatment. One more lack of this method is connected to bad adhesion of medical products on a surface of nails and inconvenience of their drawing. Patients quite often do not carry out the recommendation of the doctor that entails decrease{reduction} in efficiency of treatment and increase in his{its} duration [20]. Подробнее...