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герпес в ротовой полости

Efficiency этиотропной therapies of each case онихомикоза depends on as far as concentration противогрибкового means in the struck sites of a nail will be high. The most part of cases онихомикоза concerns to it{him} подногтевой to the form (дистально-латеральной or проксималь-ной) at which the activator settles down not only in a nail plate, but also in a box of a nail, space between it{him} and a plate, sometimes in матриксе. The nail plate consisting from уплощенных of layers become horny кератиноцитов, and it is frequent - and more or less thick layer гиперкератоза under it{her} serve as an obstacle for penetration local антимикотиков in nail to a box. Therefore for a significant part of cases онихомикоза it is unique the comprehensible approach to этиотропной monotherapies purpose{assignment} system противогрибковых means is. Подробнее...

Let's compare construction of a virus to construction of an apartment house. That the house to construct blocks and a cement mortal fastening them are required, at least. Blocks for construction of a virus are the amino acids present in a cell{cage}. And as the cement fastening blocks, the virus uses enzyme ДНК - полимеразу. Water, cement and sand is necessary for preparation of a cement mortal. If instead of sand замесить a solution, for example, on sugar the house will inevitably fail. And ацикловир is original "sugar". It{he} is included in structure of cement (ДНК - полимеразы). She{it} fastens nothing - the new virus particle to not be formed. Подробнее...