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генительный герпес

By results of the research lead{carried out} by the author at application of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action for children of somatic branches defeat of a mucous membrane of the oral cavity, caused дрожжеподобными mushrooms, is observed at 6,6 %, a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and a leather{skin} - at 15 %, intestines - at 2,5 %, кандидоносительство in intestines - at 9,2 %. Many researchers came in last years to the conclusion, that the basic contributing factor for occurrence of superficial forms of a candidiasis, including at the ВИЧ-INFECTION and AIDS, are mainly infringements of cellular immunity. Подробнее...

Пульмональный аспергиллез. The major clinical displays - cough, a fever and гемоптоз owing to некротизирующей pneumonias. However it is already late symptoms of disease. The fever and in the first instance insignificant deviations{rejections} on the roentgenogram of a thorax which can and to not be is more often отме чается only. With the help of a computer tomography sometimes at even normal roentgenogram of bodies of a thorax it is already possible to reveal characteristic for Aspergillus мультинодулярные легочные the centers with an aura or cavities. The pneumonias caused by infection Aspergillus, can give on the roentgenogram of a thorax a picture of a heart attack easy or even диффузной интерстициальной pneumonias. Sowing Aspergillus from мокроты or бронхоальвеолярной liquids at иммунонесостоятельного the patient in a high degree is indicative for инвазивного аспергиллеза and is the absolute indication to treatment. The final diagnosis (on the basis of results биопсии fabrics) cannot be frequently put because of problems of curtailing. For серологической diagnostics there are same restrictions, as at диссеминированном a candidiasis. In the future, probably, it will be possible to use молекулярно-biological technics{technical equipment} for revealing ДНК-Aspergillus. Подробнее...