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эффективное лечение генитального герпеса

The majority of patients belong to categories acne comedonica and acne papulopustulosa. All other types meet rather seldom, but are not less important - or owing to weight of current or because demand other approach to therapy. Подробнее...

Clinic. Disease is characterized by presence of fine spots on a leather{skin} of a breast, a neck, a back, a stomach, less often than the top and bottom finitenesses, подкрыльцовых and the пахово-femoral areas having originally pink painting, then it is bright also dark brown, with an insignificant peeling, it can sometimes be latent and to come to light only at поскабливании. Высыпания quite often merge and form extensive sites of defeat of a leather{skin}. After sunburn, as a rule, remain a stain of white color as a result of amplification{strengthening} of a peeling. For disease typically long current with often aggravations. Подробнее...