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герпес 2 типа

Displays of fungoid defeats stop and brushes are very various (see fig. 4 in the miniatlas on page 158). It depends on a kind of a mushroom, a place of defeat, conditions of an environment, a condition of an organism fallen ill. First attributes of disease are shown in hardly appreciable peeling of a leather{skin}. More often in depth intermanual складок cracks are formed. Disease can proceed as опрелости, as a rule, at people, suffering raised{increased} потливостью stop. Fungoid defeats are shown and as пузырьков which settle down in a thickness of a leather{skin} on the arch of soles, lateral surfaces stops and fingers. Occurrence пузырьков is accompanied by an itch and morbidity. At a part of sick soles on a leather{skin} are observed муковидное or кольцевидное a peeling, sites гиперкератоза. Activator Trichophyton rubrum can amaze nail plates on fingers stop, brushes, a smooth leather{skin} on any site of an integument. Mushroom Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale amazes nails stop only on I and V fingers and a leather{skin} III - IV intermanual складок, lateral surfaces of fingers, the top third of sole and the arch stops. Change of nails begins more often with free edge{territory} or from corners of a nail plate. In a thickness of a nail appear a stain or strip of yellow color which gradually increase, borrow{occupy} his{its} significant part. Nails become dim, rough, are crumbled, утолщаются, stratified or истончаются. There can be a combined defeat of nails at one patient. The diagnosis of fungoid defeat stop and brushes establish on the basis of detection of a mushroom in a pathological material (соскобы from nails, чешуйки from the centers on a leather{skin}) at microscopic research and crop on a nutrient medium. Культуральное research is carried out{spent} with the purpose of identification of a kind of the activator. Подробнее...

Having come to us in "visitors", it{he} takes root in mucous, reaches the nervous terminations{endings}. On them, with a current of the liquid having nerves, rises in a cavity of a skull where "is hidden" in the nervous texture called, trigeminal ганглем and "sleeps" there till the moment of repeated activation. Подробнее...