Мануальная терапия
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заболеваемость генитальным герпесом

Этиология and патогенез. Activators of warts, or papillomas of a leather{skin} are viruses. Is more often them name viruses of a papilloma of the person. Болеют children and young people are $more often. The activator is transferred at direct contact to the patient and through household goods. Disease can be promoted by fine traumas of a leather{skin}. A clinical picture and diagnostics. Distinguish warts ordinary, flat, подошвенные. Подробнее...

On different authors from 70 up to 100 % of the population of the Earth are carriers of the tick - демодекса. If it was possible to glance inside of hair follicles from which hair grow, or in located there and then клубочки sebaceous glands in many of them we would see tiny colorless covered щетинками "червячков". So ticks from sort Демодекс look. Usually we in happy ignorance do not suspect of the similar neighbourhood, but sometimes developed balance breaks, and ticks break "nonagression pact". Подробнее...