Мануальная терапия
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герпес полового члена

Интертригинозная the form meets most frequently and is characterized by insignificant reddening and a peeling on lateral adjoining surfaces of fingers or мацерацией, presence of erosion, superficial or deep cracks in all складках stop. This form can be transformed in дисгидротическую at which are formed пузырьки or bubbles in the field of vaults, on external and internal edge{territory} stop and in intermanual складках. Superficial пузырьки are opened with formation{education} of erosion which can merge, in result the centers of defeat with precise borders, мокнутием (see fig. on a color insert, page 198) are formed. At connection of a bacterial infection arise пустулы, лимфадениты and лимфангоиты. At дисгидротической to the form of a mycosis are observed secondary allergic высыпания on lateral and ладонных surfaces of fingers of brushes, palms, forearms, shins. Sometimes disease gets chronic current with an aggravation during spring-and-summer time. Подробнее...

Патогенез. Multi-coloured deprive arises at the persons, suffering raised{increased} потливостью, the certain chemical compound of the sweat, a leather{skin} favorable for activator PH, with accompanying diseases: эндокринные infringements, chronic diseases of a gastroenteric path, etc., and also with an immunodeficiency. Disease has chronic current with often relapses. Подробнее...