лечение герпеса лихорадки
At superficial forms of a candidiasis the diagnosis is based on presence at the patient of a characteristic clinical picture and detection of a mushroom in a pathological material (соскоб or separated with mucous membranes, чешуйки leather{skin}, соскоб from nails) at microscopic research. The diagnosis can be counted authentic if find out псевдомицелий or true мицелий and budding cells{cages}. Crop on a nutrient medium is carried out{spent} for identification of a kind дрожжеподобного a mushroom of sort Candida. Allocation only culture of a mushroom has no diagnostic value as she{it} can be received at crop соскобов from a mucous oral cavity, genitals and a leather{skin} of healthy people. Подробнее...
At микроспории a smooth leather{skin} without defeat пушковых hair appoint антимикотики for external application up to the sanction of clinical displays. Treatment микроспории is possible to lead{carry out} тербинафином (tablets on 125 and 250 mg). To children with weight of a body up to 20 kg appoint on 62,5 mg, from 20 up to 40 kg - 125 mg, over 40 kg - 250 mg once a day, duration of treatment from 8 up to 12 нед. Without антимикотиков for external application. Подробнее...