профилактика и лечение герпеса
Factors перинатального the period are caused by poor quality of health of parents, mistakes in tactics of conducting pregnancy and sorts, is especial in group of risk when mother or father, or both parents had or have the HELL. Подробнее...
For realization of the IgE-dependent immune answer and occurrence of clinical symptoms influence of the various adverse external and internal factors named risk factors to which the pathology and toxicoses of pregnancy, non-observance of a diet and various abusings concern during pregnancy and a lactation, early artificial feeding, social and ecological factors is necessary, etc. In formation the HELL functional infringements of gastroenteric path (ЖКТ) as a dysbacteriosis, various refluxes, a dyskinesia желчевыводящих ways have Great value; chronic illnesses of bodies of digestion which cause the raised{increased} sensitization and define{determine} rates of formation of allergic illnesses of a leather{skin}, and also presence of the centers of a chronic infection, infringement интегративной functions of nervous system, etc. In development and maintenance the HELL plays the Big role parasitic инвазия. Pathogenic influence гельминтов is connected as to a pathology of bodies of their localization (mainly ЖКТ), and with their influence on immune system. In particular, products of ability to live гельминтов and their toxins cause activation иммунокомпетентных cells{cages}, hyperproduction of antibodies, formation{education} of immune complexes and damage of the Т-cellular link of immunity is especial IgE, and also. Подробнее...