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лечение вируса герпеса

Clinic. Superficial трихофитией children (see fig. 5 in the miniatlas on page 158) are $more often болеют. The incubatory period makes till 7 days. At defeat волосистой parts of a head appear the fine centers with precise borders, округлой or the oval form, without the inflammatory phenomena, with the insignificant peeling, shortly broken off hair - on 2-4 mm from a level of a leather{skin} on all surface of the center. On a smooth leather{skin} there are centers округлой or the oval form, with the precise borders, the towering platen consisting from пузырьков and crusts, bright red color, on the size they larger, than on a head (see fig. 6 in the miniatlas on page 158). Подробнее...

Features of pharmacokinetics in a nail in many respects are caused by that the nail plate in 10 times is thicker than a horn layer of a leather{skin} and contains менше липидов. Allocate 2 ways of penetration of system means to a nail plate. The first - "fast" - passes through nail to a box, laying between a plate and a network of blood vessels under ложем. Гиперкератотические weights and the cavities laying between a plate and ложем at under - nail type онихомикоза, are the basic obstacle антимикотиков on a "fast" way. Подробнее...