Мануальная терапия
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герпес на половых губах

Chronic трихофитией mainly (up to 80 %) болеют women, being a source of infection of children. Clinical displays differ from superficial трихофитии. On a head the centers are located in occipital and temporal areas. Characteristic attributes of disease are plural атрофические плешинки, and also " black points ", it is the broken off hair at a level of a leather{skin}. But disease can be shown by the expressed peeling reminding dry себорею, and мелкоочаговым a peeling on other sites of a head. At some patients disease can be accompanied by an itch. On a smooth leather{skin} the arrangement of the centers on buttocks, knee joints, internal surfaces of hips, forearms, less often - other sites is characteristic. They of cyanotic - red color, with a peeling and узелками on a surface, indistinct outlines. In process are be frequently involved пушковые hair. At many patients nails all over again on brushes, later stops are amazed. Nail plates become утолщенными, dirty - grey color, with grooves, are crumbled. Подробнее...

Distribution. Caused by influence of solar beams (HARD CURRENCY, photoallergic, phototoxic, polymorphic высыпания, late skin порфирия); дерматомные (herpes zoster); генерализованные (system diseases); on разги-бательных surfaces (elbows and knees at псориазе); on сгибательных surfaces (локтевые and popliteal ямки at атоническом дерматите). As shown in fig. 187-1, an arrangement of skin defeats can appear a valuable key for identification of disease. Подробнее...