Мануальная терапия
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- Зависимость
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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

подростковый алкоголизм

Whether will pass the periodic use of alcoholic drinks to dependence - depends, excuse for a tautology, from many factors: and from motivation (both acceptances of alcoholic drinks, and vital), and from structure of the person, and from the biological constitution, and from the parental script (scripts), and from the social environment and installations of society, etc. Подробнее...

It not that other, as a special version of a narcotism. But as against other narcotic substances and even from nicotine, alcohol as one of necessary intermediate products of a metabolism, is present at an organism of any person - even the most inveterate nondrinker. Though it not an occasion easy to consume alcoholic drinks in wild dozes because his{its} quantity{amount} in blood is usual is insignificant (approximately 0,3 промилле - the tenth shares of percent{interest}). For achievement even an easy stage of intoxication this quantity{amount} should increase time in three - four, and for a heavy stage - in ten and more times. By the way, further it would not be desirable to use words " alcoholic intoxication " - would be more exact to tell " a degree of an alcoholic poisoning ", or an alcoholic intoxication. Because alcohol in the dozes exceeding needs of nature, frankly poisons an organism. And sometimes even with a lethal outcome. Подробнее...