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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

прививка от герпеса

At infections Candida it is important to carry out{spend} distinction between superficial and deep infections (tab. 2). Орофарингеальный the candidiasis is the most often superficial infection Candida. Вагинальный a candidiasis and seldom meeting наследственый a syndrome chronic мукокутанного a candidiasis which can be accompanied эндокринопатиями, in given clause{article} are not considered{examined}. Подробнее...

Taking into account, that the candidiasis concerns to an opportunistic mycosis, first of all it is necessary to reveal and at an opportunity to remove pathogenetic factors of disease (research immune and эндокринного the status, a gastroenteric path and carrying out корригирующей therapies). In quality этиотропной therapies appoint антимикотики local and system action. At sharp forms of a superficial candidiasis of a leather{skin} and the mucous membranes which have especially arisen during antibacterial therapy of somatic diseases, ointments, вагинальных tablets are effective local антимикотические means as a solution, drops, a cream. Last 30 years at treatment of a candidiasis preparations азольного the lines, actions possessing a wide spectrum, and also полиеновые antibiotics, аллиламиновые the connections derivative циклопироксаламина are widely applied. Подробнее...