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герпес вирусные заболевания

кандидамикозного defeats of a digestive path establish the diagnosis at presence of characteristic defeat of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity with the milkwoman in a combination to symptoms of defeat of other bodies of system of digestion. To define{determine} defeat of a gullet, a stomach, a thick gut it is possible at эндоскопическом research (thus take separated ulcer defeat, a film on laboratory research; make биопсию from the struck places). The diagnosis of a candidiasis is authentic at laboratory allocation дрожжеподобных mushrooms (pus, bile is investigated separated ulcer defeats of mucous membranes, at кандидозном a sepsis - blood), and also detection of mushrooms in the histologic preparations received at aim биопсии. Have diagnostic value positive reactions with a vaccine of mushrooms Candida in cultivation of researched whey 1:200 and is higher and with полисахаридным an antigene in reaction of linkage комплемента (at cultivation of whey 1:20 and is higher). Подробнее...

Last researches testify that St. aureus is capable to strengthen or support inflammatory process on a leather{skin} of patients the HELL, being a producer энтеротоксинов, possessing properties суперантигенов, ZAJQ0Xcells{ZAJQ0Xcages} stimulating activation and macrophages. As staphylococcal энтеротоксины by the nature are proteins with molecular weight 24-30 кД, the assumption has been stated, that they can represent itself as some allergens. The basic энтеротоксинами, секретируемыми St. aureus, are энтеротоксин And, эксфолиативный toxin and toxin of a staphylococcal shock syndrome 1. At 57 % of patients the HELL specific IgE-antibodies to it энтеротоксинам [19, 24] are revealed. Подробнее...