генитальный герпес у мужчин
What фармакокинетические parameters define{determine} efficiency фунгистатической on character of system therapy онихомикоза? Leaning{basing} on stated above, it is possible to allocate two key parameters: 1) ability to collect in the struck parts of a nail in sufficient for suppression of growth of a mushroom of concentration; 2) ability to support this concentration or its{her} effect for a while, necessary for отрастания a healthy nail. Подробнее...
Treatment of patients by a mycosis stop (brushes) with defeat of nails represents the certain difficulties. At a choice of a method of therapy it is necessary to take into account the area and the form of defeat of a nail plate, a degree of prevalence of a mycosis, presence of accompanying diseases, age of the patient. Treatment will be more effective if the kind of the activator is determined. If not it is lead{is carried out} культуральное research, it is necessary to appoint preparations with a wide spectrum противогрибкового actions. At defeat of all surface of a nail plate, including a nail matrix, the patient with гиперкератотической the form (a thickening of a nail plate for the account подногтевого гиперкератоза), plural defeat of nails it is necessary to appoint антимикотики system action. Now them 5: гризеофульвин, кетоконазол, итраконазол, тербинафин and флуконазол. Подробнее...