герпес центр
At псевдофурункулезе гнойнички superficial, as against a furuncule - flabby, эпидермиса (the superficial layer of a leather{skin}) has no a thin layer covering them of a purulent fuse and is easily removed, under it{him} are visible liquid pus in a small amount and a young leather{skin} of red color. The general{common} condition of the child at this disease practically does not suffer, that specifies superficial character of inflammatory process. However abscesses arise again and again, is frequent in a plenty, that, naturally, frightens parents and demands intervention. Подробнее...
On modern representations, bacteria are not the direct reason of disease, they only provoke local inflammatory processes. On a leather{skin} and in hair follicles constantly are present such сапрофитные microorganisms, as липофильные mushrooms of sort Pytirosporum, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. The greatest role in development of an inflammation at угревой illnesses play Propionibacterium acnes - грамположительные motionless липофильные sticks which are facultative анаэробами. Corking of a mouth of a hair follicle and a congestion of skin bacon inside him{it} create preconditions for duplication of these microorganisms inside воронки a hair follicle. Constant duplication P. acnes in a follicle which is found out at a stage микрокомедонов, results in increase of activity of metabolic processes, consequence{investigation} of it is allocation медиаторов inflammations. For example, during ability to live P. acnes allocate липазы which split триглицериды skin bacon on the fat acids causing damage эпителия of a follicle. Damaging{injuring} action on эпителий possess and протеолитические the enzymes allocated P. acnes. Подробнее...