Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

профилактика герпеса

Easing of barrier function of a leather{skin} and allergic orientation of skin reactions results in amplification{strengthening} of irritating action contact раздражителей and allergens among which most are frequently mentioned a wool, детергенты, дезинфектанты, nickel, cobalt, ароматизаторы, lanolin, latex, antibiotics, local кортикостероиды. Among inhalation trigger factors the domestic dust, pollen of blossoming plants, a mould and furfur of the person and pets more often are marked. The aggravations the HELL caused by influence of ticks of a domestic dust, are connected and to their inhalation and direct contact. Подробнее...

In the present{true} research it has been proved, that циклопирокс as nail polish gives high effect at the patients with a diabetes suffering онихомикозом, and practically does not cause collateral reactions. Similar results have been received and from sick other groups [14-16]. Convenience of application in a combination to high efficiency and absence of risk of undesirable effects or interactions with other preparations allow to consider{examine} циклопирокс as nail polish as means of a choice of treatment of fungoid infections of nails at patients with a diabetes. The positive estimation patients of the form of release of a preparation can promote the best performance of recommendations of the doctor. For women can be important, that циклопирокс it is possible to render under cosmetic nail polish that does not result in decrease{reduction} фунгицидного effect of a preparation [22,23]. Подробнее...