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институт герпеса

There is an opinion, that угри, as well as fat себорея, are consequence{investigation} of relative or absolute prevalence in blood of man's sexual hormones. The leather{skin} of the person, a breast, a back at себорее shines, time gape, in many порах because of a congestion of bacon in channels of sebaceous glands and in устьях hair follicles серовато-black fuses - комедоны from which at pressing the dense grease secret and a kind "червячков" with the black head is allocated are formed. Прогоркающее skin bacon - the fine environment for duplication гноеродных microbes (стафилококков, streptococci) therefore around комедонов there is an inflammation, and are formed угри as inflammatory узелков, гнойничков. Without treatment they can expand in deeper, painful{unhealthy} инфильтраты the purple-red color, opened with allocation of pus. On a leather{skin} thus can remain рубцы. Disease chronic. Нерезко expressed угревая the rash passes by 20-25 years, more expressed, as a rule, abates by 30-35 years Подробнее...

Certainly, it does not mean, that is necessary to wait for "maturing" of immunity - presence of a pustular infection demands vigorous medical measures. But vigorous - does not mean abundances of medicines, they are not necessary for the child. It is necessary to empty simply all гнойнички, having removed{having taken off} from them a thin film simple friction губкой or a double fabric to wash up all leather{skin} with soap, to cease to muffle up the child. Местно it is possible to apply antiseptics: 0,1 % a solution (pink) potassium permanganate or 0,02 % a solution фурацилина. At an abundance гнойничков application of antibacterial ointment (see by tab.) is justified also. Having lead{having carried out} such treatment within several days, you will reliably get rid from гнойничков, not resorting neither to antibiotics inside, nor to the means working on immune system - she{it} "will ripen" without intervention from the outside. Подробнее...