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лечение герпеса на губах

Тербинафин suppresses synthesis эргостерола, making a membrane of mushrooms, due to action on enzyme сквален-эпоксидазу, supervising formation{education} of one of early predecessors эргостерола. In result the maintenance{contents} эргостерола is reduced, but the maintenance{contents} сквалена raises. Фунгистатический the effect тербинафина is connected to oppression of synthesis of a membrane because of shortage эргостерола. Besides тербинафин shows expressed фунгицидный effect (at least in vitro) which exact mechanism is not found out. The destruction of mushrooms can come as a result of full oppression of synthesis эргостерола, but most likely, it occurs due to accumulation of plenties сквалена, mushrooms destroying a membrane. It is possible also, that frustration of synthesis эргостерола results in infringement of synthesis of chitin, a basis of a cellular wall плесневых mushrooms. Фунгицидный the effect arises at smaller concentration тербинафина, than it is required for full oppression of synthesis эргостерола. Подробнее...

Chronic некротизирующая the Aspergillus-pneumonia. several years ago was not possible to distinguish, that at patients with chronic легочными the diseases, receiving глюкокортикостероиды, can develop инвазивный аспергиллез. This disease referred to chronic некротизирующей Aspergillusпневмонией (fig. 3). The major differences from already considered Aspergillus-pneumonia at patients with гранулоцитопенией will be, that disease progresses slowly, диссеминация in other bodies arises very seldom. The diagnosis is put on the basis of a clinical picture, seedings Aspergillus from мокроты or бронхоальвеолярной liquids and at absence of other activators of a chronic pneumonia, such as анаэробы and микобактерии. Подробнее...