герпес во время беременности
Диссеминированный аспергиллез. At patients with kept гранулоцитопенией can arise диссеминация infections in other bodies, more often from the center пульмонального аспергиллеза. The centers of dispersion can arise in a leather{skin} that enables for diagnostics, in bones or internal bodies (a liver, a spleen, kidneys, a thyroid gland). Localization in a brain (гематогенный an abscess of a brain) is the most dangerous, she{it} is characterized by very high death rate. Despite of widespread{distributed} диссеминированную an infection, practically never it is possible высеять Aspergillus from blood or a spinal liquid. Подробнее...
Этиология, патогенез. Аспергиллы - widely widespread{distributed} in the nature сапрофиты, all-the-year-round allocating disputes. To disease conducts inhalation of a plenty dispute аспергилл, for example at work with заплесневелым гниющим hay, компостом. In патогенезе, except for аллергизирующего and гемолитического influences эндотоксина, the big role decrease{reduction} in reactance of an organism at long and chronic illnesses (plays a tuberculosis, suppurations, новообразования, system illnesses of blood, алкоголизм, etc.) or at long application иммунодепрессивных preparations. Подробнее...