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герпес и беременность

Орофарингеальный and эзофагальный a candidiasis. Clinical display орофарингеального a candidiasis is псевдомембранозный мукозит more often (" the milkwoman of a mouth "), other displays, such as sharp эритематозный мукозит however are possible{probable}, chronic атрофический (as ангулярный хейлит) and a chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, and them it is more difficult to diagnose a candidiasis on the basis of the clinical data. Орофарингеальный the candidiasis at patients with AIDS is necessary for distinguishing from " oral hairy лейкоплакии " which is limited to edge{territory} of language more often, and from язвочек, caused by a virus herpes simplex. Орофарингеальный a candidiasis without the clear reason (badly adjusted dental artificial limb, application of antibiotics or глюкокортикостероидов) is the indication to performance of the test for a HIV. Finally more than at 70 % of patients with AIDS arises орофарингеальный a candidiasis [2]. Подробнее...

Superficial candidiasis of a leather{skin}. The basic localization of disease large (пахово-femoral, межъягодичная, under dairy железами, подкрыльцовые hollows) and fine (intermanual) складки (see fig. 7 miniatlases, with. 162), but высыпания can arise on a smooth leather{skin} of a trunk and finitenesses, including palms and soles. Outside of складок the centers of a candidiasis develop mainly at chest children and the adults, suffering a diabetes or heavy general{common} disease. In large складках appear fine with просяное a grain пузырьки, sometimes and пустулы which are opened with formation{education} of erosion. Owing to peripheral growth of erosion quickly increase in size, merge, forming extensive sites of defeat. The centers of dark red color with a claret shade, brilliant, with a damp surface, wrong outlines, with a strip exfoliating эпидермиса on periphery. Around of the large centers fresh fine erosion (eliminations) are formed. At children especially weakened, from складок defeat is distributed to a leather{skin} of hips, buttocks, a stomach, sometimes and on all integument. In depth складок there can be painful{unhealthy} cracks. A candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} outside of складок (a breast, a stomach, shoulders, forearms, shins, etc.) Has the clinical picture similar to defeat in the field of large складок. But at adults disease can sometimes be as эритематозных spots with a peeling in the center and fine пузырьками on periphery. The candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} fine складок (intermanual erosion) arises between 3 and 4-th, 4 and 5-th fingers of brushes, less often stop is more often and is characterized by formation{education} эрозированных the centers of sated - red color with smooth, brilliant, as though varnished surface, precise borders, with отслаиванием a horn layer эпидермиса on periphery. Disease can begin with occurrence fine пузырьков on lateral adjoining гиперемированных surfaces of a leather{skin}, then is distributed to area intermanual складки, there is a puffiness, мацерация, a peeling. Intermanual кандидозная erosion is observed mainly at the persons having long contact to water, promoting development мацерации leather{skin} besides favorable conditions for development кандидозной infections are created. Except for the third and the fourth складок can be amazed and others, not only on one, but also on both brushes. Patients the itch, burning, and at presence of cracks - disturbs morbidity. Current of disease chronic, with often relapses. Is worthy a candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} сосков at feeding women. Clinical displays can be different: as small гиперемии in area околососкового a mug; the center about a dummy with мацерацией with precise borders; as a crack with мацерацией on periphery and fine пузырьками between соском and околососковым a circle. Подробнее...