Мануальная терапия
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томография позвоночника

First of all it is necessary to remove the reason, instead of a pain. And to start it is necessary from careful study of a backbone, and then to remove zones of a pressure{voltage} in a stomach, thus restoring normal иннервацию and blood supply of a small basin. And to avoid relapse, I recommend an individual complex of exercises which are useful to all women, but is especial at whom already is any of the described problems. Подробнее...

Мануальный therapist Sergey Makeev, by the way, has developed, and has patented special "soft" technics{technical equipment}, she{it} refers to " апертурно-zone therapy " is a variant of manipulation. Including воздействиe not only on a backbone, but also on bones of a skull and bodies of a belly cavity. At work by this technique of painful sensations in a backbone at the patient practically it does not happen. Подробнее...