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ветрянка у взрослюх

Congenital алопеция. It is caused by the genetic reasons. It is frequently combined with other congenital defects of a leather{skin}. It is shown significant поредением hair already at a birth or in the first months of a life of the child. Symptomatic облысение. Is complication of heavy general{common} diseases (a sepsis, illnesses of a connecting fabric, a syphilis, etc.). This kind алопеции can be as total, and очаговым and диффузным. The reason of occurrence: development{manufacture} of antibodies to own hair follicles - аутоиммунная reaction. Себорейная алопеция - complication of skin disease себореи. It is usually observed significant поредение hair. The total form of the given kind облысения practically does not meet. Подробнее...

Криптококковый the meningitis meets in Holland at 4-10 % of patients with AIDS and is the illness - indicator for diagnostics of AIDS. The infection arises аэрогенно, however primary пульмональная the infection frequently proceeds бессимптомно. Soft brain environments and a brain are a place of primary localization just as предстательная iron, whence there can be relapses. Symptoms can vary from an easy headache up to a heavy clinical meningitis and комы. Подробнее...