ветрянка течение у взрослых
Treatment stationary. Appoint nystatin on 400000 ЕД4 time pass (at генерализованном кандидозном a sepsis a daily doze increases up to 4000000-6000000 ЕД). At a candidiasis of a direct gut of a candle with nystatin (containing 250000-500000 ЕД nystatin). Apply леворин as a water suspension (1:200) to rinsing and защечных tablets on 500000 ЕД at a candidiasis of an oral cavity. At a candidiasis of a gastroenteric path леворин appoint inside on 500000 ЕД as tablets or capsules 2-4 times day. Active antibiotics at a candidiasis are амфотерицин and амфоглюкамин. In persistent cases alongside with антибиотикотерапией carry out{spend} treatment by a polyvalent vaccine from cultures Candida, антигистаминными preparations, solutions йодида sodium or калия inside, vitamins of group of V.Pri allergic reactions глюкокортикостероидные hormones. It is necessary to treat diseases on which background sometimes there is a candidiasis (the diabetes, etc.). Подробнее...
Конглобатные угри also testify to heavy current угревой illnesses. They are characterized by gradual occurrence plural extensive, deeply located узловатокистозных elements which are informed among themselves, and also large grouped комедонами. The centers of defeat can settle down not only on себорейных sites, but also grasp a leather{skin} of a back, a stomach, finitenesses, except for palms and soles. An outcome of the sanction of the majority of elements are атрофические, hypertrophic and келоидные рубцы. Displays of this disease, as a rule, do not decrease after the period of puberty, they can рецидивировать down to 40-years age, and sometimes and during all life. Подробнее...