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вирусное заболевание ветрянка

Taking into account often presence of accompanying diseases at patients with a diabetes, especially advanced age, use system противогрибковых preparations is considered undesirable. All пероральные противогрибковые preparations метаболизируются in a liver, creating additional loading on body which can suffer at the patient with a diabetes. This concerns and to kidneys. Подробнее...

The deep located candidiasis. Спорадически meet гематогенно arisen deep located infections Candida, such as an osteomyelitis, спондилодисцит, an arthritis, эндофтальмит and an abscess of a liver. In most cases кандидемия which has led to to occurrence of the absent-minded center, remains unnoticed. Besides the deep located infections can arise as ascending infections of uric ways that happens at patients with a diabetes or after change of kidneys. In some cases it can conduct to formation{education} so-called фунгусного a sphere in лоханке (fig. 2). Very seldom infection Candida results in an isolated pneumonia. At the overwhelming majority иммунонесостоятельных patients with легочным инфильтратом at which from мокроты высеивается Candida, colonization takes place. Подробнее...