ветрянка во время беременности
In a basis of pathological processes at себорее lay functional нейроэндокринные infringements, in particular a vegetative dystonia. Эндокринные shifts consist in дисбалансе female and man's sexual hormones (increase of a level андрогенов at decrease{reduction} эстрогенов). It is necessary to note, that symptoms себореи amplify on a background of reception of sharp, salty and sweet food. Подробнее...
Infection passes бессимптомно, the incubatory period of 2-10 days, having penetrated through mucous облочки, a leather{skin}, конъюнктиву, HSV reaches{achieves} регионарных lymph nodes, then диссеминирует in blood and internal bodies. In the most part of cases there comes the primary - latent form of an infection or абортивная a primary infection during which the virus is transported from a place инвазии to regional nervous ганглиям. For HSV it is characteristic пожизненая персистенция in нейронах sensitive and vegetative ганглиев. Latent focuses are supported by the mechanism of " the closed cycle " when the virus cyclically migrates between ганглием and a surface of a leather{skin}. At influence of provoking factors (stress, a trauma, интеркуррентная the infection, УФО, менструация) can take place реактивация a virus and occurrence of clinical attributes of illness. Подробнее...