влияние ветрянки на беременность
Significant depth of process and the big sizes of an abscess makes related with furuncules гидраденит - sometimes in size with a wood nut. Inflammatory process usually develops at corking выводного a channel железы, causes it{him} also стафилококк. The congestion in these складках bodies of sweat - for example, after high physical activity, sports exercises promotes development of an infection at absence of conditions for acceptance soul. It is necessary to tell, that гидраденит it can be caused and грибками, "specializing" on superficial defeats of a leather{skin}; at corking a channel потовой железы грибки in it{her} are strenuously made multiple copies, causing a suppuration. Подробнее...
From антимикотических means at a candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} use: клотримазол a solution and a cream, оксиконазол a cream, бифоназол a cream, натамицин and гидрокортизон + натамицин + неомицин, нафтифин, изоконазол + дифлукортолон-21-валернат and изоконазол, кетоконазол a cream, эконазол, циклопирокс a cream, a solution and powder. Подробнее...