Мануальная терапия
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ветрянка период лечения

Сквамозно-гиперкератотическая the form is characterized by development of the centers гиперкератоза on a background of a peeling. The leather{skin} of soles (palms) becomes красновато-cyanotic color, in skin grooves it is marked отрубевидное a peeling which passes on подошвенную and ладонную surfaces of fingers. On palms and soles can be expressed кольцевидное and a lamellar peeling. At some patients it happens insignificant due to often washing hands. Подробнее...

At the sharp inflammatory phenomena (мокнутие, presence of bubbles) and the expressed itch treatment is carried out{spent} as at экземе: десенсибилизирующие means (intravenous introduction of a solution of calcium of chloride (10 %), a solution of sodium тиосульфата (30 %), a solution of calcium глюконата (10 %) or calcium пантотената перорально; антигистаминные means. From external medical products at the first stage of therapy apply lotions (2 % a solution of a boric acid, a solution марганцовокислого калия 1:6000, 0,5 % a solution резорцина), 1-2 % water solutions метиленового dark blue or diamond green, фукорцин. Then pass to pastes - борно-нафталановую, ихтиол-нафталановую, paste ACD - Ф3 with нафталаном, at complication by bacterial flora - линкомициновую (2 %). At the second stage of treatment after the sanction of the sharp inflammatory phenomena use listed антимикотические means. Подробнее...