лечение ветрянки на слизистых оболочках
Экзема at children, especially chest age, meet enough frequently. Usually the reason of her{it} is перекармливание the child, the wrong diet and infringements of function of a gastroenteric path. Development экземы is frequent coincides with the beginning прикармливания and прорезыванием teeth. Disease begins with the person which leather{skin} reddens, swells, becomes intense, on it{her} appear quickly лопающиеся and turning in erosion пузырьки. Подробнее...
Мукорный a mycosis - инвазивная a fungoid infection which activators most frequently are kinds Rhizopus, Rhizomucor, Mucor and Absidia, concerning to sort Mucoraceae. In many respects мукорный the mycosis is similar on инвазивный аспергиллез. Besides patients with гранулоцитопенией мукорный the mycosis meets at patients with кетоацидотически the disadjusted diabetes and at patients illness of accumulation of iron, незавсимо from that, they received treatment десфероксамином whether or not. Just as at аспергиллезе are available риноцеребральная, пульмональная and диссеминированная forms. For treatment it is important to lead{carry out} distinction between аспергиллезом and мукорным a mycosis, because Mucoraceae always резистентны to derivatives азола. Подробнее...