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ветрянная оспа ветрянка

Clinic. On a leather{skin} of a neck, a breast, a back, a stomach, волосистой parts of a head, less often than other sites appear a stain all over again pink, then yellow, brown color, without the inflammatory phenomena with insignificant отрубевидным a peeling. After sunburn as a result of amplification{strengthening} of a peeling are observed депигментированные a stain. Высыпания can be isolated or merge, forming the large centers. Subjective sensations are absent or disturbs an insignificant itch. Подробнее...

Erysipelatous inflammation - the serious disease demanding immediate introduction of antibiotics (penicillins). It is fraught with numerous complications - down to a sepsis. Last years cases of lightning current of a streptococcal infection at which the physiognomy is combined with fusion of all soft fabrics of hands and legs{foots} are described. Fortunately, at children such cases were not observed. Подробнее...