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лсд зависимость

Appreciable "approximately" there is only a second stage алкоголизма because on it{her} there is that похмельно-абстинентный a syndrome (it{he} so-called syndrome Жислина). It already formation of pharmacological dependence on alcohol. And as it has been told in my Master - class at discussion of this theme, in similar situations "... The person in absence of alcoholic drinks becomes irritable, inattentive and starts to test the periods of strange alarm or aggression by which it was not observed " earlier. At same stage tolerance to alcohol reaches{achieves} to a maximum - the person can drink almost three litres of vodka day and like to not get drunk! Подробнее...

The first, that is evident, if your child started to smoke травку, is "lag", loss of interests (so-called демотивационный a syndrome). Usually indifferent to meal, the teenager suddenly, coming home, snatches on a meal and eats all without analysis and in plenties. The attention is broken. The teenager becomes absent-minded. Sometimes, when it{he} starts to speak, you simply cease to understand it{him}. Speed of reactions is slowed down, the teenager can become suspicious, скрытным. Sometimes there are original lingering - guttural intonations in a voice. In a lexicon there are new words: "plan", "травка", "пыхнуть" "to be dragged", "встрять", "to be pinned". Externally it can be shown in reddening eyes, complaints to dryness in a mouth, tachycardia. Well and certainly the teenager will try as it is possible to be less often at home. Подробнее...