подошвенная бородавка электрокоагуляция
Premature алопеция as the hereditary pathology, usually has irreversible character. Hair are not restored. Круговидное облысение not only can proceed{pass} in total алопецию, but also undergo return development down to self-healing. In treatment of the given form of disease apply sedative means, vitamins, кортикостероидные ointments. In heavy cases the photochemotherapy or plastic operation are used. Подробнее...
For laboratory acknowledgement{confirmation} of the diagnosis from the struck site of a leather{skin} take a little чешуек and after special processing consider{examine} them under a microscope. More than in 70 % of cases such simple procedure from the first allows to find out the tick though there are more thin and complex{difficult} methods of research. Подробнее...