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бородавка на веке

Иммунопатогенез the HELL is defined{determined} by features of genetically programmed immune answer to antigenes which role can play as атопические allergens, and activators of a secondary infection - viruses, mushrooms and bacteria under influence of various provoking factors. The long exposition of an antigene, stimulation of Th2-cells, production аллергенспецифических IgE-antibodies, дегрануляция corpulent cells{cages}, эозинофильная инфильтрация and an inflammation, усиливаемые damage кератиноцитов owing to расчесов, - together results all in a chronic inflammation of a leather{skin} at the HELL which plays the major role in патогенезе skin hyperreactance [15, 19]. Подробнее...

Modern approaches to treatment угрей include correctly made diet (enough of vitamins And and In - a complex, salts of zinc) and decrease{reduction} in consumption of products containing iodine, first of all gifts of the sea, replacement йодированной salts usual. Any other restrictions - diets which frequently can be met in the popular literature and in advice{councils} of well-wishers, are not justified. Подробнее...