белые пигментные пятна после аллергии на коже
The homeopathy complex{difficult} enough science to reach{achieve} effect in homeopathist treatment the doctor should be simultaneously the doctor the clinical physician, the philosopher, the psychiatrist and the pharmacist. A homeopathist method each doctor can seize not. This science is comprehended by years of practice. Therefore the modern farmaceutical industry has come to the aid of doctors to clinical physicians as complex preparations which allow doctors аллопатам to treat homeopathist means. These preparations have a number{line} of advantages. The structure of these preparations includes substances in low cultivations that excludes heavy аггравацию, and expands a circle of indications of preparations; they contain some homeopathist substances that increases an opportunity " hits in the purpose " not owning a homeopathist method of interrogation of the patient, these preparations can be applied together with usual medicines. Подробнее...
Treatment. At superficial and зооантропонозной трихофитии волосистой parts of the head, the plural centers on a smooth leather{skin}, the individual centers with defeat пушковых hair is carried out{spent} treatment гризеофульвином in a combination with антимикотиками for external application and pathogenetic means. Гризеофульвин it is appointed at the rate of 18 mg to 1 kg of weight of a body day daily up to the first negative analysis on mushrooms, then in the same doze 2 нед. In a day and 2 нед. 2 times a week. Hair shave off before treatment, then 1 times in 10 days. At superficial трихофитии external treatment carry out{spend} the same as and at микроспории. Подробнее...