пристеночный гайморит
Now there are many ways of anesthesia. As to ЛОР-SURGERY in the West there all аденотомии are carried out under the general{common} anesthesia (narcosis). The majority of the Russian clinics now has adopted this experience. Certainly carrying out аденотомии under a narcosis for the child expediently. It{he} closes eyes, and when opens them operation is already executed. However, it is impossible to forget that any narcosis raises risk of operative treatment on at least on 10 %. Therefore here plays a role qualification of the anaesthesiologist which carries out{spends} a narcosis. I want to emphasize also, that carrying out аденотомии under the general{common} anesthesia is "aerobatics" of ЛОР-SURGERY. Carry out{spend} her{it} the highly skilled surgeon can only. Подробнее...
Inflammatory diseases of an average ear. It is already marked, that growth аденоидов breaks physiology of an average ear as block a mouth of an acoustical pipe. Besides in the given situation adverse conditions for penetration and developments of an infection on the average an ear are created. Therefore, the child suffering аденоидами frequently transfers катаральные and purulent average otitises. Подробнее...