мы лечим гайморит
The mechanism of formation{education} кисты is enough idle time. The mucous membrane covering from within bosoms of a nose, has железы which during all human life develop a secret (slime) everyone of iron has the выводной a channel which opens on a surface of a mucous membrane. Now imagine such analogy: if on the water crane to dress an inflatable ball, i.e. to close a channel, and to include water delivery - a ball it will start to be inflated. The same occurs and in a mucous membrane. When for any reason the channel железы ceases to function, iron does not stop the work, i.e. slime continues to be developed. Naturally last not where to disappear, therefore walls железы under pressure extend, that in due course results in formation{education} of the spherical formation{education} described above in a bosom. Подробнее...
The decision of a problem with elimination of its{her} primary reason i.e. expansion of a gleam of the top respiratory ways, is especial at burdened forms СОАС assumes surgical treatment which is applied in ЛОР-BRANCH of Central clinical hospital UD of the President of the Russian Federation under the direction of professor Lopatin A.S.surgical treatment consists in correction of a partition of a nose, restoration носового breath, removal{distance} of formations{educations} of a nasopharynx (in particular аденоидов, bags Торнвальда, hypertrophies of trumpet platens), removal{distance} hypertrophied небных миндалин at a chronic tonsillitis and plastic operations in the soft sky and a drink and other interventions down to promotion forward the bottom jaw. Подробнее...