медицина ангина
Principal cause of occurrence of an antritis is the infection - bacteria or viruses will penetrate in гайморову a bosom through a cavity of a nose or through blood and cause inflammatory process. To imagine the given process, we shall consider in more detail anatomic features of a structure верхнечелюстной bosoms as it will help you to understand as well as why there is an antritis, and also to understand principles of treatment of the given disease. Подробнее...
In given clause{article} the question on widely widespread disease of additional bosoms of a nose - кистах will be considered. In ЛОР-CLINICS thousand operations concerning the given pathology worldwide are annually carried out{annually spent}. Exception is not also our country where for example киста верхнечелюстной (гайморовой) bosoms is frequently a met pathology. For more detailed concept of the given problem I strongly recommend to familiarize with clause{article} "Antritis" where the description of additional bosoms of a nose which mucous membrane is a source of occurrence кисты is in detail considered{examined}. Подробнее...