ангина у ребенка
As most effectively combined treatment has been marked above. First the patient should pass surgical treatment - эндоскопическое removal{distance} of polyps. After an extract from a hospital to the patient the rate local кортикостероидной therapies is appointed. For this purpose dosed out inhalers for an irrigation of a cavity of a nose are used. One of the best preparations of the given group is "Фликсоназе" which is appointed to the period not less than 3 months after operative treatment. At once I shall tell, that all similar preparations contain hormones, that frequently frightens the patient, but taking into account, that the preparation is applied местно - system by-effects from application колртикостероидных preparations is not observed. Подробнее...
The decision of a problem with elimination of its{her} primary reason i.e. expansion of a gleam of the top respiratory ways, is especial at burdened forms СОАС assumes surgical treatment which is applied in ЛОР-BRANCH of Central clinical hospital UD of the President of the Russian Federation under the direction of professor Lopatin A.S.surgical treatment consists in correction of a partition of a nose, restoration носового breath, removal{distance} of formations{educations} of a nasopharynx (in particular аденоидов, bags Торнвальда, hypertrophies of trumpet platens), removal{distance} hypertrophied небных миндалин at a chronic tonsillitis and plastic operations in the soft sky and a drink and other interventions down to promotion forward the bottom jaw. Подробнее...