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фаникулярная ангина

Allergic diseases. Infringement носового breath supports current in an organism of allergic processes, is especial at компенсаторных curvatures of a partition of a nose when at contact of a mucous membrane of a cavity of a nose with a partition there is a constant irritation which is capable to provoke attacks of a bronchial asthma, an allergic cold. The patient feels « inconvenience in a nose », the itch, from a cavity of a nose periodically or is constantly allocated slime. Especially brightly these symptoms are shown at presence at the patient of a combination of an allergic rhinitis of a hypertrophy носовых bowls and a curvature носовой partitions. Подробнее...

In the given review I want to stop on enough often pathology of the top respiratory ways - полипозном синуите. For the beginning I shall explain, that синуитом or a sinusitis the inflammation of a mucous membrane of additional bosoms of a nose refers to. I shall not stop on the detailed description of bosoms as with it{him}, you can familiarize in clause{article} "antritis" placed on our site. Each of us had to transfer простудные diseases which quite often are complicated an inflammation of bosoms of a nose. Such diseases as an antritis or фронтит are familiar to much. If at the given pathology to the patient correct treatment it{he} quickly recovers also process is appointed does not pass in the chronic form. However, at long and it is wrong леченном an inflammation mucous a nose, process хронизируется and in this case diagnoses the patient chronic синуита. In most cases, the mucous membrane long enough time compensates presence in bosoms of chronic inflammatory process and the patient can feel periodic or constant заложенность a nose, mucous or purulent allocation, difficulty носового breath. But if the given process to not be treated that gradually a mucous membrane exhausts the forces. As disease proceeds, and the organism should struggle with an infection - the exhausted mucous membrane starts to expand, thus trying increase in the area to struggle with inflammatory process. For comparison можнго to give an example with a crone of a deciduous tree which quickly increases the area for тово to provide inflow of a sunlight to листьям. Подробнее...