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центр эндохирургии и литотрипсии удаление аденоидов

Now there are many ways of anesthesia. As to ЛОР-SURGERY in the West there all аденотомии are carried out under the general{common} anesthesia (narcosis). The majority of the Russian clinics now has adopted this experience. Certainly carrying out аденотомии under a narcosis for the child expediently. It{he} closes eyes, and when opens them operation is already executed. However, it is impossible to forget that any narcosis raises risk of operative treatment on at least on 10 %. Therefore here plays a role qualification of the anaesthesiologist which carries out{spends} a narcosis. I want to emphasize also, that carrying out аденотомии under the general{common} anesthesia is "aerobatics" of ЛОР-SURGERY. Carry out{spend} her{it} the highly skilled surgeon can only. Подробнее...

For the majority of diseases there is an alternative: conservative or surgical treatment. At presence at the patient кисты in a bosom, treatment is possible only surgical, i.e. operation on removal{distance} кисты is carried out{spent}. At once I shall note, what not all кисты are subject to removal{distance}, and, hence operative treatment is carried out{spent} only at presence of indications which are defined{determined} by the doctor. Therefore, expensive{dear} readers of given clause{article} if in you have found out кисту - do not panic, and simply address for consultation to the qualified ЛОР-SURGEON, preliminary having lead{having carried out} a computer tomography of additional bosoms of a nose which now to lead{carry out} simply enough (bodies in Moscow 248-58-86, 246-79-91) And the choice of the operative approach i.e. as operation will be lead{will be carried out} - is of great importance. Подробнее...