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иглоукалывание от курения

About, My God прещедрый! To you прибегаю, I ask and I beg, strengthen my forces the omnipotence, relieve me of my wilful corporal thirst, submit to me thirst sincere, напой me from a source current during a life eternal, eradicate from my heart a malicious root, plant in it{him} a root of piety, enclose in my reason fear, relieving me from ill-starred passion. Подробнее...

Whether drunkenness therefore is disgusting to the God, whether it destroys after all it our well-being, and whether правосудно the God punishes for predilection for it{him}? There can be somebody from taken to fault, feeling punishment Божие which has comprehended{overtaken} it{him} for this defect, will tell: тяжко punishment, not on his{its} forces сносить, also will grumble on the God so severely punishing. Those let will more closely consider, however the God revelling fairly punishes! God who has created the person that it{he} did{made} only one kind, has given it{him} the law - the guidebook of his{its} life, promising it{him}, that if it{he} will execute it{him} will receive the eternal award in heavens. Being so the blessings to people, the god at the same time правосуден, it{He} hates all defects, all of a lie human. Therefore, infringement of His{Its} sacred law, is already the insult for him{It} for which it{He} тяжко punishes criminals. And the drunkard also is the infringer of law Божия and consequently it{he} on validity should bear{carry} all weight of punishment for the sins. And that than all is more sick 5 and is more regrettable, it that the drunkard is seldom corrected from the illness. The passion to drunkenness seizes all of it{him} душею and it{he} cannot overcome her{it} in any way. She{it} even can finish it{him} that it{he} among tortures dies. Whether and таковый the person прогневляет the God that on itself attracts premature death. And God заповедует to us that we in every way resisted to drunkenness; it{He} speaks: " Утрезвитеся, пьянии, from fault of the and плачитеся, sob вси пиющии wine before drunkenness. Both how to not sob and how to not cry to the drunkard when it{he}, breaking precepts Божии, at the same time is the enemy and to. Everyone wishs itself(himself) of good luck, goods, everyone печется about the well-being, but the drunkard disregards itself, itself is at enmity against itself and causes itself angrily. The first evil can be is a loss of health, one of the most precious gifts Божиих on the ground. Such expenditure of health, and through that occuring early death, whether is suicide? Whether and suicide is a heavy and inexcusable sin пред the God? Подробнее...