Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

центрэндохирургии и литотрипсии удаление аденоидов

Practically daily in the work I collide{face} that the patient, suffering an antritis, not looking on an indisposition and strong pains refuses a puncture (puncture) гайморовой bosoms. Among patients there is an opinion, that say it is necessary to pierce once a bosom and process will be chronic, i.e. it is necessary to prick a bosom again and again. I shall tell can it is rough, but it is full nonsense. Relapse (repeated occurrence) antritis if arises, for other reasons. It is the contributing factors described above or uncompleted treatment of the previous aggravation more often. And if you it is close{attentive} прочли the process of occurrence described above and developments of an antritis can guess, that if pus in гайморовой to a bosom took place to be formed - there it{he} and remains for long time if only will not break in surrounding fabrics (especially if it is blocked соустье). The puncture also is done{made} to pump out pus of a bosom, to wash out a bosom, and after that to enter there antibiotics and anti-inflammatory preparations. The given procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but efficiency of her{it} is very high. Now, after a puncture in a bosom establish special tubules - катетеры through which it is possible to do{make} washing of a bosom daily. At application of the given method, the patient very quickly recovers. I shall note also, that to all there are indications, and in an initial stage of an antritis not always it is required to carry out{spend} a puncture and it is possible to do without washing of a nose. Besides подчеркну what to be treated it is necessary under the control of the ЛОР-DOCTOR. Подробнее...

The most widespread question which is set by parents to the ЛОР-DOCTOR is about expediency of carrying out of operative treatment. At times a word operation causes extreme fear in parents. Besides the question of carrying out of anesthesia is actual at performance of operation concerning аденоидов. Подробнее...