цвветные контактные линзы
Treatment. Antibiotics and сульфаниламидные preparations are most effective and have fast an effect. After washing eyes изотоническим a solution of chloride of sodium dig in a solution of penicillin (100000 ЕД on 10 ml of distilled water) on 2 drops in an eye each 5-10 minutes at first two o'clock and then each hour within day. Each 3 hours dig in in an eye of 30 % a solution сульфацил-нат-рия (albucid). Intramuscularly enter a solution of penicillin in the standard dosages. At бленнорее adults for the prevention{warning} of carry of an infection in the second eye on him{it} impose a protective bandage with hour glass which edges{territories} paste a sticky plaster. Подробнее...
Intramuscular introduction of medicines provides fast soaking up effect at use of water solutions and slow, supporting when preparations of the prolonged action are applied. This method of treatment is convenient for introduction of average volumes of a liquid, oil solutions and the preparations possessing some irritating action. Подробнее...