контактные линзы химки
Carrying out{Spending} инстилляции, take in the right hand a pipette, fixing its{her} big and index fingers. Having typed{collected} a medicine in a pipette, the left hand put a damp wadded ball to a lower eyelid, slightly delaying it{him}. From distance of 2-5 sm, not concerning a century and eyelashes, keeping a pipette кончиком downwards under a corner 45 °, dig in 1-2 drops. The patient on a short time interval closes веки then it is possible to continue инстилляции other medical products. It is necessary to avoid hit of medicines on a cornea as she{it} is very sensitive to change рН which arise at interaction of a medicine with a cornea before it will be dissolved by tear. Подробнее...
To wash out конъюнктивальную a cavity it is possible a jet from a pipette (surplus of a liquid thus follows outside) or a sterile syringe with blunted, it is dense насаженной a needle (allows to use the strong jet of a liquid directed both in bottom, and in the top arch конъюнктивального of a bag). Подробнее...