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контактные линзы со спецэффектом

Glucocorticoids apply at inflammatory diseases of eyes (конъюнктивиты, кератиты, увеиты, нейроретиниты), at traumas of body of sight to preventive maintenance of a sympathetic inflammation, in the postoperative period. Кортикостероиды block экссудативную a phase of an inflammation, warn пролиферацию cellular elements and development of vessels. They do not influence the reason of occurrence of inflammatory process and consequently should be combined with specific therapy. Glucocorticoids do not recommend to apply at infringement эпителиального a layer of a cornea in avoidance изъязвления. Appoint гидрокортизона acetate as 0,5-2,5 % of suspension or ointments of the same concentration, and also in injections under конъюнктиву; преднизолон - 0,3 % eye drops, tablets on 5 mg, starting{beginning}, in sharp cases, on 20-40 mg day, and also a solution in ampoules on 25 mg for intramuscular and intravenous injections; dexamethasone - 0,1 % eye drops; кеналог (триамцинолона ацетонид) in ampoules on 1 ml for pair or ретробульбарных injections. Подробнее...

It is necessary to take into account and such fact. That the refraction of an eye never happens a constant, does not allow to write out the exact recipe on glasses. It is no wonder, that some people and do not manage to pick up glasses to which their eyes would reconcile. Inconstancy of a refraction results, besides to that discrepancy which we can observe in the statistical data on prevalence of those or other kinds of infringement of sight. Подробнее...