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герпес члена

Last researches testify that St. aureus is capable to strengthen or support inflammatory process on a leather{skin} of patients the HELL, being a producer энтеротоксинов, possessing properties суперантигенов, ZAJQ0Xcells{ZAJQ0Xcages} stimulating activation and macrophages. As staphylococcal энтеротоксины by the nature are proteins with molecular weight 24-30 кД, the assumption has been stated, that they can represent itself as some allergens. The basic энтеротоксинами, секретируемыми St. aureus, are энтеротоксин And, эксфолиативный toxin and toxin of a staphylococcal shock syndrome 1. At 57 % of patients the HELL specific IgE-antibodies to it энтеротоксинам [19, 24] are revealed. Подробнее...

Factors перинатального the period are caused by poor quality of health of parents, mistakes in tactics of conducting pregnancy and sorts, is especial in group of risk when mother or father, or both parents had or have the HELL. Подробнее...